Aiming for Amazon’s market share
French Bookeen has developed Carrefour’s 6 inch e-readers, called Nolimbook and
Nolimbook+. The basic model will cost 69.9 euro, with the +
version costing 99.9 euro. The options for the background lighting are the main
difference between both models.
Both models have a built-in e-book store, allowing the purchase of books through wifi. Currently, some
hundred books are available, but this should steadily rise to 100,000 –
considerably more than the range of French books Amazon is currently
offering its Kindle-users, namely 36,000 books.
Carrefour wants to add a dedicated corner in its stores for the e-readers, which
will allow customers to try out the models and trained employees will provide
information to the customer. Amazon,
Kobo and Apple currently dominate the French e-book market, taking up a
market share of 85 % with the three of them.