“Durable & Vous”
In the new campaign, 230 French families will get a 500 euro coupon to buy Ikea products. These families will also get a visit from an ecology expert, who will tell them how to improve their situation at home. The company has also launched a video that explains the easy steps one can take to improve sustainability, like turning off appliances in sleep mode, installing water-saving faucets, buying LED lights or carpets that conserve heat.
According to Ikea, these small steps may actually lower the heating bill by 7 %. The company says it can also help lower the ecological footprint in the kitchen, by adding more cans in which to conserve food and garbage cans. Ikea is playing into consumers’s cost-saving and environmental desires with this new approach.
To reach a large audience, the company has launched an interactive, collaborative online platform where customers can share their own tips to save energy and help the environment. At the same time, Ikea will also organise workshops in the store to help people do similarly. 86 % of all French citizens have expressed a desire to cut their water and energy consumption and to improve their waste sorting process.