Faster mobile internet
“We expect 2016 to be a year full of changes when it comes to technology. We are convinced extremely fast internet, the explosion of data connections and the development of virtual reality will bring the digital world into the physical world even more”, head of Samsung Design Europe (SDE) Felix Heck said.
The first trend is the surge of faster mobile internet and that will lead to new applications and services previously unavailable. The new virtual innovations will revolve around “sensation” and “touch”, instead of merely “seeing” and “hearing”.
Another important trend is the increased popularity of virtual reality, which will lead to a “phygital” world, merging physical and digital experiences.
“Backed by virtual reality innovations, we are on the eve of fundamental shifts as consumers expect something different from their interactions with technology. It will transform items with a specific purpose or goal into actual smart products and services, fitting into our lives seamlessly. This will empower our everyday experiences in a way we have never seen before”, head of SDE’s Trend Experiecen Lab, Camille Hammerer, said.
Innovation through awareness
Smart Home will finally have its breakthrough in 2016, according to Samsung. 18 % of British houses will have some sort of smart home technology installed next year, the company predicts. Smartphone-controlled products will become more mainstream as well.
The self-driving car will be the highlight of these smart devices and even Samsung announced last month that it has launched an automotive division. “It is not merely about innovations for the self-driving car, but also about entertainment and navigation in the car itself.”
Increased awareness will also lead to changes in society, as the younger generation demands companies develop more sustainable products.