Dutch electronics retailer Coolblue has launched its website and app in English as a third language (after Dutch and French), aiming to increase their service for English-speaking customers in the Benelux. However, the retailer does not (yet) speak of a step towards foreign markets.
Prelude to international expansion?
From now on customers in the Netherlands and Belgium can also deal with Coolblue in English: the e-tailer offers customers its full customer journey in English as not only the website and app, but also emails and customer service are now also available in English.
The retailer currently has no outspoken intention to expand to new markets: “We know that English is the second language in the Netherlands and the third language in Belgium. Therefore the translation of our customer journey into English is logical as it follows the French translation, “says founder Pieter Zwart.
In-house translation agency
The translations were all done in-house: Coolblue started its own translation agency for the occasion. With this the online retailer wants to guarantee high quality content. “Meanwhile, we continue to listen to our English-speaking customers. This way we can get a little better every day, “says Zwart.
Coolbue achieved a turnover of 1.2 billion euro last year with its web shop and nine physical stores in Belgium and the Netherlands. It is one of the largest e-commerce companies in the Benelux.