Relevant articles: Fashion
- Iglo sold for 2.6 billion euroFashion20 April, 2015
- Monoprix performs beacon test in 22 storesFashion17 April, 2015
- "Nestlé has to reposition itself faster"Fashion17 April, 2015
- Match to close 11 supermarkets in FranceFashion17 April, 2015
- Good start to the year for UnileverFashion16 April, 2015
- Germans charge ahead in the United KingdomFashion8 April, 2015
- Le Pain Quotidien turns attention to BrazilFashion30 March, 2015
- Kraft Foods and Heinz merge after acquisitionFashion25 March, 2015
- Aldi to open web shop in United KingdomFashion19 March, 2015
- Sainsbury's disappoints once moreFashion18 March, 2015