Relevant articles: Fashion
- Swiss franc and European price war hold Nestlé backFashion16 October, 2014
- Baby food boosts DanoneFashion15 October, 2014
- Italians launch beer spreadFashion13 October, 2014
- Tanger opens store in ZaandamFashion13 October, 2014
- Delhaize Group loses its executive vice presidentFashion13 October, 2014
- Increased tension at DelhaizeFashion9 October, 2014
- Family takes full control of HuyghebaertFashion9 October, 2014
- Red Bull pays back unsatisfied customersFashion9 October, 2014
- Banana company merger approvedFashion8 October, 2014
- New Coca-Cola life comes to BelgiumFashion8 October, 2014
- Yum! Brands lowers profit forecastFashion8 October, 2014
- Nice profit for bakery group La LorraineFashion7 October, 2014
- Colruyt Group trials new formula: CruFashion1 October, 2014
- AB InBev rearranges managementFashion30 September, 2014
- Bonduelle's yearly profit drops after European antitrust fineFashion30 September, 2014
- Blunder forces Tesco to lower profit forecast 25 %Fashion22 September, 2014
- Subway brings NFC to American storesFashion19 September, 2014