Relevant articles: Fashion
- C&A halves boardFashion16 October, 2018
- FNG launches first ‘boutik by brantano’ storesFashion9 October, 2018
- Boggi Milano opens three stores in BelgiumFashion3 October, 2018
- More revenue, less profit for H&MFashion27 September, 2018
- H&M to turn the tide with new store conceptFashion26 September, 2018
- "Sweatshops in European Union no exception"Fashion25 September, 2018
- Inditex breaks records for turnover and profitFashion13 September, 2018
- Lidl socks steal limelight at Amsterdam Fashion WeekFashion13 September, 2018
- Van de Velde loses CFO, but gets permission to work nightsFashion12 September, 2018
- Richemont no longer adrift after appointing a CEOFashion10 September, 2018
- Burberry stops destruction unsold clothesFashion6 September, 2018
- Fashion label Blabla Belgium: seriously ambitiousFashion6 September, 2018
- Inditex wants online presence in every country by 2020Fashion6 September, 2018
- Van de Velde's profit crashesFashion3 September, 2018
- Lingerie icon Victoria’s Secret closes 20 storesFashion28 August, 2018
- Uterqüe to start web shop on TmallFashion27 August, 2018
- Urban Outfitters shows record turnoverFashion23 August, 2018
- Bestseller takes 29 % stake in About YouFashion22 August, 2018