Relevant articles: Fashion
- Australian company now owns Kleding.nlFashion3 March, 2017
- Zara's curvy campaign completely backfiresFashion2 March, 2017
- Another huge turnover growth for ZalandoFashion1 March, 2017
- VF Corporation will protect treesFashion28 February, 2017
- Fashion label BCBG Max Azria borders on bankruptcyFashion27 February, 2017
- C&A cuts 230 jobs at European headquartersFashion22 February, 2017
- Esprit returns to profit in first part of fiscal yearFashion22 February, 2017
- New controversies on Primark's labour policyFashion21 February, 2017
- Sizeable profit drop for Van de VeldeFashion21 February, 2017
- Turmoil in Bengali textile industry againFashion16 February, 2017
- H&M will open Weekday stores in London and ParisFashion10 February, 2017
- Van de Velde bids for French lace supplier NoyonFashion9 February, 2017