Relevant articles: Fashion
- Banana Republic shuts down every British storeFashion19 October, 2016
- Another huge turnover increase for ZalandoFashion19 October, 2016
- Burberry benefits from BrexitFashion18 October, 2016
- Abercrombie & Fitch cleans house on social mediaFashion17 October, 2016
- Zalando launches online advisor Zalon in the NetherlandsFashion12 October, 2016
- Zara launches sustainable Join Life collectionFashion10 October, 2016
- Caroline Biss opens first German storeFashion7 October, 2016
- LVMH acquires suitcase company RimowaFashion4 October, 2016
- R&S Retail targets 500 million euro turnoverFashion4 October, 2016
- Nike's profit and turnover grew over past quarterFashion28 September, 2016
- French shoe giant wants to close 1 out of 7 storesFashion22 September, 2016
- Inditex: another strong growth in first six monthsFashion21 September, 2016
- Esprit returned to profitability in past fiscal yearFashion20 September, 2016
- Italian group bids for Charles VögeleFashion20 September, 2016
- Sarenza launches its own fashion brand for menFashion15 September, 2016
- Apple eliminates golden Apple WatchFashion9 September, 2016
- Lidl opens pop-up fashion boutiqueFashion8 September, 2016