Relevant articles: Food
- H&M attracts Balmain's Olivier RousteingFood19 May, 2015
- Gap exclusively available at ZalandoFood19 May, 2015
- Courrèges grows funding to help expansionFood19 May, 2015
- Esprit sends out profit alertFood18 May, 2015
- South African tycoon buys New LookFood15 May, 2015
- Strong dollar lowers Ralph Lauren's profitFood15 May, 2015
- Former CEO takes American Apparel to courtFood15 May, 2015
- Desigual sacrifices CEOFood5 May, 2015
- Decent quarterly results for LuxotticaFood5 May, 2015
- Hermès quarterly turnover up 8 %Food29 April, 2015
- Watch manufacturer Rodania in Belgian handsFood28 April, 2015
- Martyn Bowen is Puma's new director for EMEAFood27 April, 2015