Last year was the best ever in the history of the European bicycle sector. Europeans bought as many as 22 million bicycles, pushing turnover upwards by no less than 40 % to 18.3 billion euros. E-bikes in particular are enormously popular. More and more bicycles are produced locally.
Political choices
2020 was the bicycle industry’s best year ever, according to figures just published in a press release by its European federation Conebi. The increased interest from consumers is certainly a consequence of the limited travel options during the corona crisis, but according to the federation, it is also driven by political commitments to stimulate the transition to a greener economy.
Striking is the huge growth for electric bikes: these accounted for 10.6 billion in sales, or a 52 % increase. “E-Bikes are fast becoming consumers’ preferred choice”, Conebi director Manuel Marsilio said. “European citizens are selecting greener e-mobility options over buying cars or using public transport.”
Local production
3.6 of the 4.5 million e-bikes sold were produced in Europe (including the UK). This is good news given the current supply problems: we need to produce even more locally, says Conebi. European production of parts and accessories is expected to double by 2025, from 3 billion to 6 billion euros.
The European bicycle industry comprises more than a thousand small and medium-sized enterprises that account for 155,000 jobs. For every additional thousand bicycles produced in Europe, three to five jobs are created. For every thousand electric bicycles produced, there are even six to nine jobs. Local production would also lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions of more than two million tonnes per year.