Take advantage of the exclusive launch promo now
6 months free RetailDetail membership
Take out a Gold membership now and enjoy 6 months of free extra access to the RetailDetail Member Area at no extra cost!
Offer valid until 31/03/2025 subject to conditions*.
* Gold membership runs for a minimum of one year after the free period. The corresponding invoice for the annual subscription is automatically generated at the end of the six-month free period.
Take advantage of the exclusive launch promo now
6 months free RetailDetail membership
Take out a Gold membership now and enjoy 6 months of free extra access to the RetailDetail Member Area at no extra cost!
Offer valid until 31/03/2025 subject to conditions*.
* Gold membership runs for a minimum of one year after the free period. The corresponding invoice for the annual subscription is automatically generated at the end of the six-month free period.
If you become a member, you will benefit from the following advantages
Gast, welcome in the members’ area

As a member, you receive a 10% discount on RetailDetail event tickets. Diamond members even enjoy free access to one event per year*. Let yourself be inspired by leading retailers and network to your heart’s content.
Interested in a RetailDetail media product? Do not hesitate to contact kjell.bries@retaildetail.be.
* With the exception of RetailDetail Night and events organised by external partners.

Re-watch all recordings of the presentations and keynotes at our RetailDetail events, in full and exclusively in the members’ area. As a member, you have a front row seat to RetailDetail events, even if you weren’t able to attend. From now on, you will never miss anything.