The Fnac Darty group is preparing for life after Alexandre Bompard, since its current CEO will start working for Carrefour tomorrow. He may actually be succeeded by a duo.
Enrique Martinez and Jacques Veyrat, both with plenty of experience in the group, are apparently given the opportunity to lead the company after Alexandre Bompard’s departure. He has been Fnac CEO since 2010 and helped realize the Darty Group acquisition.
Enrique Martinez has worked for Fnac for twenty years and will become Fnac Darty’s new CEO. He helped Bompard lead Fnach in Northern Europe for five years, a region that contributes 75 % of Fnac’s turnover.
Jacques Veyrat will support him as the group’s non-executive chairman. He has been a part of the board for several years now and has close ties to some of the company’s major investors, which is a good thing for a listed company like Fnac Darty.
In short, Martinez will take charge of the day-to-day operations while Veyrat will focus on the financials, a combination similar to the Bompard-Martinez structure.