Strong growth for Nestlé Waters
Half of the growth within Nestlé came from higher prices: in North and South America, turnover grew 6.2 % while the Europe, Middle East and North Africa region also grew turnover a lot, namely 4 %. Asia, Oceania and the rest of Africa experienced smaller growth, at 1.1 %. When looking at Western Europe, Great Britain and France performed well thanks to Nescafé Dolce Gusto and Nestlé’s animal care products.
Nestlé Waters advanced 6.8 % to 5.9 billion Swiss francs (5.5 billion euro), thanks to increased demand for healthy drinks. Nestlé Nutrition also grew 3.4 % to 7.8 billion Swiss francs (7.2 billion euro), but did experience slower growth than before.
The company did not divulge any specific numbers for its coffee division Nespresso, but it did mention it was growing “according to expectations”.