Brewery AB InBev opened a new brewery in China, which will produce 1.5 tons of beer. It will be the company’s largest Asian brewery and the company’s goal is to take full advantage of the growing Chinese middle-class.
Premium beers
Local Chinese brands currently control more than fifty % of the market, but the Chinese consumer has shown increased interest in international beers. That is good news for AB InBev, because it markets its own beers as premium beers in China. Budweiser is considered a premium beer in China and Stella Artois is even a super premium brand. The latter has even known double-digit growth since its Chinese introduction three years ago.
Its newest brewery is not only AB InBev’s largest Asian brewery, it also harbours several technological novelties. Its quality assurance was vastly improved, automatically removing broken products. Solar panels also have to improve the plant’s environmental footprint. In order to bring the Chinese consumer close to the beers, the entire brewery can be considered an attraction, because tourists can come and see the entire beer-producing process.
Premium trucks
AB InBev not only wants to improve the breweries’ environmental footprint, but also improve its means of transport. It has placed an order with Tesla for 40 electric and self-driving trucks, which is one of Tesla’s largest orders. These new trucks have to help AB InBev achieve its goal to lower its CO² emissions by 30 % in 2025.