A supermarket near Leeds only sells food excesses for varying prices, as customers can pay whatever they can afford.
Supermarket in every major city
The supermarket, led by the Real Junk Food Project, mainly targets people in need, giving them the opportunity to buy plenty of food with a tiny budget. The goal is to open similar supermarkets across the country, in every major city, with Sheffield and neighbouring Bradford up next.
The Real Junk Food Project has several other initiatives in the United Kingdom, like Fuel for School that gives school kids a meal based on food excesses. It also has several bars that operate along the same principle of allowing people to pay whatever they can afford.
Payments do not always have to be a financial transaction, because customers can also become volunteers to pay their food. One of the supermarket’s customers has offered to give a work shop, but it is also possible to help out in the supermarket itself for example.