Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo is not looking for a new owner, departing CEO Ton van Veen emphasises. The founding family sees the Dutch runner-up as its life’s work.
“This is their life’s work”
In a podcast, Van Veen highlights the family’s involvement in the company, even though their role has changed since the resignation of CEO Frits van Eerd and the passing of Karel van Eerd. “It remains a family business, 100 %”, he told professor Kitty Koelemeijer. Colette van Eerd is still very involved as chairperson, as are Monique van Eerd and even former CEO Frits van Eerd, who remains engaged as a shareholder – even though he no longer takes a role in the spotlights.
There is no thought of merging with or being acquired by another company, he adds. “From the family’s perspective, it is not an option to think about scenarios other than remaining 100 % owners of the company. This is their life’s work; it is their everything. The family is not primarily financially driven, but motivated by pride, by making an impact, by taking the beautiful company they have built to the next phase and possibly to the next generation.” While acknowledging that larger scale can have advantages, the CEO notes: “Acquiring resonates better with the family than being acquired.”
When asked about his own future in retail, after leaving his position later this year, he answers: “Difficult question. I am not planning to do anything for now. I am a retail person, but I will never work for a competitor.” He has other plans for the future though: “I am still active as the owner of Coco and Sebas, a rapidly growing and fine chocolate brand.”