According to a study by the University of Leicester, there is a increased chance of food poisoning with packaged lettuce. as several bacteria thrive in the plastic packaging. One of the bacteria posing the greatest risks is salmonella.
Use on the day of purchase
The researchers say they were shocked about how these bacteria apparently thrive in the packaging, even if they are kept in the refrigerator. That is why their advice is to use the packaged lettuce on the day of the purchase itself.
It is no surprise lettuce contains bacteria, but the plastic packaging is often moist to keep things crispy and fresh, which actually makes matters worse. Alongside the nutrients that are released when the lettuce is shredded, it provides the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria like salmonella, which in turns increases the likelihood of food poisoning. The study shows that 100 salmonella bacteria turned into 100,000 in a 5-day period, more than enough to contaminate a human being.