In a bid to reduce its carbon footprint by a third in the next ten years, Lidl Belgium will send climate advisers to its most important suppliers.
Support suppliers
The German discounter says it has already put a lot of effort into reducing its own carbon footprint in the last few years, by making its transport and buildings more sustainable. The company now thinks that most progress in sustainability can be made at its suppliers: 93 % of its value chain’s carbon emissions are made outside of its own walls – four fifths comes from sixty important suppliers.
Climate consultants will now visit Lidl Belgium’s most important suppliers, to encourage them to draft a carbon action plan and suggest concrete measures to reduce their carbon footprint. These measures can also be beneficial to the suppliers themselves, Lidl says – like reducing energy bills. The discounter hopes to be able to guide the first twenty suppliers towards a smaller carbon footprint before the year is over, and specifically thinks of producers of milk and meat – two important contributors to carbon emission.