Huge cost-cutting measure
A big advantage is that prices will be lower than when a third party has to step in, like in logistics: “We can do it on our own for a quarter of the price if we let someone else handle it”, Wijnen said at the Emerce eRetail Congress. Photography is handled in-house as well, for half of the price, according to Wijnen.
There is a downside to doing everything yourself however, as buyers cannot reach customer service until 10 in the evening, despite the fact that you can still order clothes up until that time and get them delivered the next day. RetailNews did however get confirmation from The Sting that customer service will be open until 10 in the evening by the end of the year.
The Sting has had a web shop for a year now, but it was not really mobile-friendly, which meant mobile conversion was very low. Each appliance will get its own platform: “Because of a user survey, we have chosen not to use a responsive design, because each channel is unique.” The mobile shop will have a clean look with as little images as possible, while the pc version will use a lot of images.