Fruit and vegetable auctioneers BelOrta and Coöperatie Hoogstraten have started merger talks today. Both companies already work together closely and therefore, not many issues should be expected.
600 million euro turnover
When the merger is finalized, the resulting company will have more than 600 million in turnover. “This way, BelOrta and Coöperatie Hoogstraten both hope to reach their goal of creating a sustainable turnover in fair fruit and vegetable sales in a stronger and better fashion”, the auctioneers said in a joint statement.
Belorta and Coöperatie Hoogstraten are both part of the Verbond van Belgische Tuinbouwveilingen, which generated a 926.4 million euro turnover last year. Coöperatie Hoogstraten contributed 218.7 million euro, while BelOrta added 400.4 million euro. Together, they are more than two thirds of the alliance.
BelOrta is already a merger company, bringing Mechelse Veilingen, Brava, Greenpartners, Veiling Borgloon and Veiling Haspengouw together. The addition of Coöperatie Hoogstraten should become the next step in the company’s growth strategy.