“We are good at clothing”
Dutch country manager Myrna Walsarie confirmed the news at the opening of a new fulfilment centre for the Dutch market in Mönchengladbach. “We are good at clothing and that is what we want to focus on”, she told Twinkle.
Products for the home environment had only been present on Zalando’s site for the past two years, mainly from brands it also sells as clothing. Zalando says it remains active in 5 different branches: clothing, accessories, sports, shoes and premium, with the latter containing the more expensive items out of the previous 4 branches.
Zalando will continue to invest in sports and premium, although sports is mainly about clothing, not so much about sporting equipment. To boost the premium section, Zalando shut down Emeza.de after only one year of service. The website was geared towards the higher end of the market, but its clientele is now redirected to Zalando’s website.