Already in talks with
local services
the past few months, Amazon has apparently already talked to websites which
group these professionals in the Seattle and San Francisco region. Amazon is
allegedly also in talks with several local chore companies, who would benefit
from not having to invest in an online structure. Amazon’s A to Z guarantee
also applies to their services, which would benefit these companies as well.
Several pilot programs have already been
launched. One such example is a ‘smart thermostat’ from NestLab, where
Amazon gave the customer the option to also ask for a skilled laborer to come
and install the device.
third party sales
chore services should help boost Amazon’s activities as 40 % of its sales are
from third party companies which have opened an online sales platform at
Amazon. If these companies could offer the assistance of a skilled worker,
Amazon’s offer would merely become stronger.
Bezos, Amazon’s CEO, has experience with local services because he has
personally already invested in – an online platform that allows
customers to calculate renovation costs and to search for contractors.