Large range of items
The Cloakroom (in the Netherlands) and Outfittery (in Germany) have proven that this kind of service is actually quite popular: customers give their clothing preference and a stylist creates a box with several outfits. The client can then choose which items he wants to keep, while the rest is returned.
Many of these services and websites are geared towards men, but Zalando also wants to target women. It will trial the service in Germany first: “We will first start the new project in Germany and see how it goes before expanding it step by step. Our great advantage is that we have access to our entire range. We are not under pressure either to make a sale either”, a spokesperson said.
Zalando is currently preparing a new website for the service, but already knows how it will handle things. “At Zalando we aim to run the entire operation online. Our customers will first take an online style test which will define their personal taste and only then will they be matched to the appropriate stylist who will help define their look.” The new service should be fully operational by the summer of 2015.